Learn Chess From Experts

Where Play Meets Learning

Creativity and Imagination

Players learn to think outside the box to come up with novel strategies and unexpected moves..

Strategic Thinking

Chess is often referred to as “the game of kings” because it requires strategic thinking and foresight.

Enhanced Memory Skills

Chess requires players to remember past moves, anticipate future moves, and recognize patterns

Problem-Solving Skills

Chess is essentially a series of complex problems waiting to be solved.

Learn To Play, Chess With Confidence!

Creative minds chess Academy is govt. registered chess Academy with online and offline presence with many students who have achieved their fide rating

Providing Best Classes

Beginner Course

Beginner course for students who are completely new to chess. Duration of the course is 3 to 4 months

$50.00 $60.0

Intermediate Course

Intermediate course for students who know basics already and want to perform at State and National Levels

$60.00 $75

Advanced Course

For Players who have achieved their fide rating and want to advance to more higher levels and want increase their fide ratings

$75.00 $90.

Parents Words Are The Key To Happy Kids

“Kids love coming to our chess academy because they find the lessons challenging in a good way, which keeps them engaged and eager to learn.”

Vivek Krishnan

“The friendly atmosphere at our chess academy makes learning chess an awesome experience for kids, inspiring them to pursue their passion for the game.”

Sangeetha Krishnamurthy

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